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Hunt: Australia as well prepared as any nation to deal with Omicron

Australia’s high vaccination coverage makes it as well prepared as any nation to deal with the Omicron variant, says Health Minister Greg Hunt. “Australia is as well prepared as any nation in the world to deal with emerging variants,” he told reporters. “We are now at 39.2 million vaccinations, 92.4 per cent first doses, 87 per cent second doses and 430,000 boosters. “Australians are doing their part to provide the strongest possible protection and that's been played out in one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, one of the most recently and freshly vaccinated countries in the world and one of the lowest rates of loss of life in the world. “All our expectations are that those trends will continue. “Nevertheless, our goal has been to be prepared for emerging variants and there are a series that have come before and, no doubt, there will be others that come after Omicron.” Via — Australia’s leading news site


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