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WWE SummerSlam 2019: Results, new champion, match rankings and full recap

Don't count WWE out. While NXT is considered to be the better wrestling show and AEW is the hot new thing in Grapple Town, WWE's SummerSlam proved that the company can still put on an outstanding show. The show had no bad matches, though one was saved that dubious only by the hot crowd, it flowed well and had a outstanding main event. Oh, and by the way, Seth Rollins is your new Universal Champion.

Maybe the biggest surprise of the night was Trish Stratus, whose return match against Charlotte Flair was a highlight. Elsewhere, Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston fought to a double countout, and Becky Lynch retained her Women's Championship in a hot opening match against Natalya.
And The Fiend. Oh boy. Bray Wyatt's in-ring re-debut as The Fiend was something that words can't sufficiently convey. Watch the gifs below, or better yet sign up to the WWE Network and check it out for yourself. 
Us wrestling fans always give WWE a hard time -- and mostly they deserve it -- but credit where it's due. SummerSlam 2019 was fantastic. Read below for a full recap and match ratings, from the end of the show to the beginning.

Seth Rollins slays The Beast... again!

Boos for Rollins, cheers for Lesnar. Rollins' ribs are heavily taped, as per the beatings Lesnar gave him on the last two episodes of Raw.
Lesnar works Rollins over in the corner. Rollins superkicks Lesnar, briefly stunning him. Lesnar yanks Rollins for a German suplex, but Rollins flips out for a curbstomp. Two count. Lesnar rolls out. Rollins hits him with a flying knee, Lesnar rolls back in the ring. Lesnar attempts a second German, Rollins flips out and hits two superkicks. Rollins shoots for a second curbstomp, but Lesnar is rocked and can't cover Rollins. Lesnar gets up, grabs Rollins by his rib tape and swings him around. Now it's time to go to suplex city. Three German suplexes. Rollins rolls out. Lesnar follows him for another suplex, this time on the floor. Lesnar goes for an F5 into the turnbuckle post, but Rollins counters and pushes Lesnar, head first, into the post. Then again. Rollins throws Lesnar into the ring. Springboard flying knee to Lesnar.
Rollins goes for another flying knee, Lesnar doges and throws Rollins with a release German suplex. Dueling chants for "suplex city!" and "burn it down!" Lesnar takes off his preposterously large gloves, slams Rollins into the corner and latches on a bear hug. Lesnar works him over and goes for a tackle into the turnbuckle, but Rollins dodges and Lesnar hits the post shoulder first. 
Rollins dropkicks Lesnar off the apron and hits two suicide dives. He goes for a third but Lesnar catches him and rams him into the ring post. Absolute beast. Lesnar undresses the Spanish announce table, then eats a superkick from Rollins. Rollins hits a frogsplash on Lesnar, Crowd is not heavily into Rollins, a far cry from his original reaction. He lands another frogsplash in the center of the ring and another curbstomp. Two count. He stomps the ground for a third. Crowd chants "burn it down" with him. Lesnar catches him for an F5, but Rollins lands on his feet. Superkick, curbstomp, 1, 2, 3. New champion.
Rating: 4.5 stars. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Great intensity, Rollins is incredible, Lesnar worked hard and the crowd was super invested. As good a 15-minute match as you'll ever see. 

The Fiend debuts

It's time to get freaky. Wyatt comes out with a remixed version of his old Live in Fear theme song. He's wearing the Fiend mask as a flashing spotlight follows him. He still has a lantern, but it's a severed head. If I was a child, I would be terrified. Finn Balor is about to get killed harder than Dolph Ziggler.crashing both through the announce table.Rollins catches him and hits an F5.


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